ATTN Interweb gurus - help making an online checkin thingy

Hey guys and gals, I’m tryin to get organized for a party/meet I’m having in Columbus at a buddy’s house. Since he is so gracious to allow me use of his house (and his garage more importantly) I am going to take great measures to plan and organize it well. So first off I need help making an online RSVP type thing. I will have a list of those who are potential to come and allow them to go and just check a box to whether they are going or not. Then another small field where I can add stuff they should bring. Then a 3rd similar field to stuff they can add that they will bring. As an example:

If you can help me out I’d appreciate it. I’m not so good at making the interweb like some of the folks around here.

why you need 3 identical forms on the same page?

^ what he said.

I can throw you something together pretty quick that will e-mail you the results whenever someone submits.

Thats just an example I did real quick in FrontPage. This is something that needs to be a lot simpler than you may realize. Basically I just want a list (2 lists actually?) of the people coming (only 4 - 8 total) and what they are to bring. But I don’t want to have to do it all manually. I would like it to be updatable by the people who need to use it. If you have something to send it will reach me quickest at: s10blazed88 at

Upload this file to your server, change the extension to .php (it wouldn’t let me upload a .php file) and see what it does. (I didn’t test it!) I can add other fields for what people are bringing, but there isn’t an easy way to let people edit only their own record unless you a) really trust these people not to fuck with anything not theirs, or b) want to use a database with login/logout and usernames and such, which I’m sure is more complex than you need.

Thanks. I am looking more towards an online collaboration type thing. Something where everyone can see who has checked in and who’s bringing what. This isn’t so much like a party-party… we’re all gettin together and hangin out and gonna notch my truck. Last year we all got together and threw a V8 in Bravada 442’s truck. Like I said… the old man letting us use his place is a good guy, so I’m tryin to keep the planning worries off of his shoulders.

Let me research it a bit more and I could probably figure out how to do it without a database… interested?

save it to a text r/w text file

Yeah, I’ve never done any writing to files before though. not entirely sure how to do it.

yes. the simpler the better. A text file would be great. There is 10 people total and would only have to account for each one: a yes or no, then a small list of items.

BTW, I’m gonna try and work this out for you today… :wink:

Hey S10… you got mail. :slight_smile: