Attn: Jack

the fucking expansion pack takes forever.

kyle… its not too late to join the dork side…

1 hr 30 min for the expansion, 2 hr 30 min for the patch when I did it… it’s gota be faster than that for you. :gotme:

i already have the patch, that was like 45 min, not even…

1/2 way with the expansion

The dork side is tempting, but I need to find a job, and if I did that I would neglect that even more then I have :slight_smile:

je veux chier sur votre tête

i have no idea what you just said

Jack call me if you get on tonight. I’ll be killing mad heads…

im patching 1.12 now.

maybe after the wifey leaves… how late you gonna be on?

patching complete…

100fps :stuck_out_tongue:

oh yeah, well ill school you at pong!

i woke up today to play this, and eat a lot of shit


Is this my card?

Strange. I told you that level is funny. What card do you have again?

I don’t know what the deal is… Even when I drop the quality down to minimum I’ll only get 40fps max… It’s got to be the game.

OK, so Nvidia released a new driver that fixes the graphical lag people have been getting…

Driver 81.95 for WinXP64…

But that doesn’t help me since I’m runing Windows Media Center Edition :frowning:

Anyone know what I can do besides change my OS or wait for Nvidia to get me a better driver? I’m running driver 77.79 now.

and I’m not running XP64… or an nvidia card… oh wells.

only did it once, i rebooted and everything was gravy

BF2 was $30 at CompUSA last night… after instant rebates.

anyone jammin tonight? I got a buzz winding down, and I want to get in some knife kills before the night is through

I was on until 2am. For some reason I’m always playing with a guy named DavidHasselhoff lol.

Is he only in the German speaking rooms?

Cause as well know… Germans love David Hasselhoff.


Anyone else pick this up?

I don’t have a headset yet Jack :frowning:

I’m usually on this server is anyone wants to join me:

lol, I had to bump this again for this site:

Stevie Wonder Aviation Ribbon
Awarded for aviation skills demonstrated in combat without the use of eyesight. Usually awarded posthumously.

lol, soooo many more…

Bah I so need a newer video card.