Call of Duty 4 Owns.

> R6 Vegas :ohnoes:

I went to gamestop the other day to double check on my halo 3 pre-order :poke: Turns out I still had 5 bucks down on COD3 :picard: So the game store dude told me if i put that money towards COD4 which comes out in november that I could get a code to play COD4 multiplayer beta on live :clap:

So I did it up, went home, downloaded the beta…

Hollly shit!

It is fucking badass!! It has the COD2 multi feel which I LOVED, but with all modern weaponry (stuff that i loved in R6 aka the MP9) and wicked maps! My initial impression is that I like this even more than R6 Vegas on live, its THAT good! Looks phenomenal, plays phenomenal, and going on a killing spree and then being rewarded by calling in fucking awesome jet or chopper airstirkes on your enemies is siiiqqqqq!!! :smiley:

So if you like any of the previous CODs, or are a R6 nerd, def go preorder this one :tup: Im not sure if theyre still giving out beta codes, but im glad as hell i got mine, that shit rocks!! :headbang:

P.S. I see you were already playing it too Itagaki and Hot Ham Water :snky:

i like r6!

stop changing shit around on me mike, i dont like change.


i like r6!

stop changing shit around on me mike, i dont like change.


lol, gotta keep up with the times my man :loopie:

I still love R6, but I know that the next few months is gonna be halo madness. then when COD4 is officially released i will be doing alot of that. Poor R6 is getting left behind :cry:

lol is this going to be like GOW where we played for like a week then quit?

I cant wait for COD 4, modern shit blows WW2 shit away.


COD4 is better than R6. I’m just pissed they capped it at lvl 16 though. Ah well, it is a beta.

The overall gameplay is great. And one of the nicer features is the immediate feedback when you rank up or complete a challenge. Its a plesant surprise when it happens.

pc 4tw…agreed

playing nowww… mmmm so good

cod4 looks siiiiiiiiiiiiiq

I’ve been playing the beta for a while. I like it.

I’m going through withdrawl since the beta is gone. a;lshdf;alshf;awoeh0t87[


I’m going through withdrawl since the beta is gone. a;lshdf;alshf;awoeh0t87[


+1, I got my lvl 25 right before it was done though…WOOT

This game is gonna own h3 so hard when it comes out.

I don’t think it will be as popular as halo, not right away at least. But tactical shooter fans and fast paced fps fans alike will love this game.

lots of peeps were in the beta though, so I’m going to preorder it soon.

Things I loved were the “kill cam”, airstrikes, the laser scope, movement, running, heck just about everything…


This game is gonna own h3 so hard when it comes out.


I agree, and I really really really really really really love h3.

CoD4 = more gooder!

I wish the beta went a little longer but oh well :gotme:

ah its gone? damn i havent had a chance to play it in a while. cant wait til the game comesout, its gonna fucking own

Beta ended Sunday at midnight. And they raised the level cap to 25 not too long before that.

A few more perks were unlocked, including Martyrdom and Slight of Hand and the G36 (i think)and the M60 were unlocked as well.


8 days omgzzzzzzz

I have been watching vids from it, it seems a little too halo ish for me as in running around like an idiot and not being able to use cover like r6.

use a chair rob, i like chairs!!!


use a chair rob, i like chairs!!!


LIAR you fucking hate chairs!!