COD: World at War

I Started playing the multiplayer beta yesterday and I have to say that I like it better than ‘Modern Warfare’. And ‘Modern Warfare’ was my favorite game.

It uses the same engine and gameplay/setup as ‘modern warfare’, but WWII setting trumps modern weaponry. Only 3 maps are available and the level system is locked at 11 for the beta. The maps are excellent so far though, the weapons feel real and the gameplay is more fun than modern warfare for me.
There are some really neat perks this time too, along with other cool things like a type of tear gas for a secondary grenade.
After 3 consecutive kills you get a recon plane, just like ‘modern warfare’'s radar. After 5 kills you get a very effect artillery strike. The sound of the artillery coming in overhead at you can be very demoralizing. After 10 kills you get to “release the dogs.” I can say that nothing has frustrated me more in a video game and at the same time not make me mad than the dogs. Basically it releases a bunch of attack dogs that search out the enemy and rip their throat out. I lost count of how many times I was in a sniper position about to take a headshot and a german shepherd came out of nowhere and took a chunk out of my throat.

I will definitely be buying the game next month. Oh yeah, there are molotv cocktails too. :slight_smile:

just got the code for the beta as well, I’ll give it a try when I get home

:tup: sounds sweet

I played the beta as well and the gameplay seems great but I still don’t like the WW2 setting… I miss my modern guns and modern settings… Still a cool game but I hope it goes back to Modern for the next one when Infinity Ward takes back over.

Bah! Why did they go back to old warfare!? COD4 was the best one IMO.

how did you get in on the beta?

It sounds like it will be just as good as 4. A lot of people have been dogging it, but if they’re keeping perks and shit around, I have no problem with the ww2 setting.

It’s funny that you mentioned the dogs too. I was just talking with a friend not long ago that it would of been a neat perk or reward in 4. There is nothing I hate worse than a level FULL of snipers in COD4 (chernobyl?)… boring as hell, not to mention fustrating

if you liked modern warfare then you will like world at war. Its the same game with a new flavor. Modern warfare was starting to get boring after I unlocked the golden AK

New guns FTW

Different design team. Im pretty sure this was in the works before modern warfare had its success.

is this the pc beta or the 360 beta?
anyone have an extra code?

When will this be released? I <3 COD4, play the hell out of it.

there was a french site giving out the codes for the beta.

edit~ this is in reference to COD 4 - i think 10 kill streak should have been “Call out the dogs”

Ahh I might need to go get a new 360 and get back into this shit. I kinda miss COD4 and GTA IV

so i just play 2 rounds of the beta.

wow. i didn’t think i was going to like this game since i didn’t care for COD 1-3. this is pretty fucking sweet. can’t wait for the game to release.

xbox live

do you know if people can still get in on it?

no idea, too many other games to play right now than to worry about some shitty beta of a game ill never play lol

You didn’t like COD4? heh, no shit.

speaking of which, how is fallout?

I played the hell out of modern warfare… The previews and game play videos of World At War have me sold without even having to play it. Glad to hear it plays as well as it looks

oh shit. time to dust off the 360.

ehh it was ok, nothing to hump over tho

Cant find world at war on live. Someone help!!