Official Modern Warfare 3 thread.

Ok so it’s coming out in a little over an hour and i wanted to start a thread now to get ready. i’ll be picking up my pre-order tomorrow and be on all night to play.

the new game will have a version to link with facebook to help form clans and groups to play together. i would assume it’s going to ask if your ps3, xbox, or PC so make sure you put

your console
your tag
link to your facebook (if you want to)

can’t wait to get this game and start playing, the customization sounds like it’s going to be epic.


oh and i know we have a gamer tag thread already but this is more to connect people in facebook to so we can form some pretty big clans… if the thread dies we can just link it into the other one.

I might stop somewhere in the morning and try to pick it up… if not, I can wait a bit.

I was always a fan of the Call of Dutys but i dont think it will hold a candle to BF3

Downloading now for PC. I don’t play CoD online, only BF, so I will download this for the SP mode/story.

Isn’t theft a sin?

Yep. Never said I was holy.

Shift Assumes.

“When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.”

Then again, I only buy games that are worth it. Not going to spend $60 on a game that I’ll play for a couple hours and never touch again (hence why I buy BF every time and never COD). Forza, NBA 2K12, Madden, etc. are other examples.

If developers lowered their prices to $30-40, I might consider it. But $60? Hell no. And don’t even tell me that they aren’t making money. They’d make money with a $30 price tag on their game as opposed to $60. The public, majority of it anyway, is just willing to pay that much. Not this guy though unless it’s absolutely amazing (ie BF, Forza, etc.)

Black Ops made more than a billion dollars. That’s bonkers. Lower the damn price.

I just got home from work at crossgates, and the line at gamestop was simply retarded

Great rebuttal!


SN: Vovchandr
Plan to kick some ass

Interesting articles relating to the game

Report: Masked Bandits Steal 6000 Copies of Modern Warfare 3

On Saturday the truck, driving through Créteil in southern Paris, was rammed by another vehicle. After the dust had settled, two men emerged from the colliding car armed with knives, and used tear gas to subdue the truck’s driver and colleague before making off with an estimated 6000 video games, valued at around €400,000.


Game has come a long way since beginning


I got the game confused w/ MW1&2 on multiplayer. Same exact gameplay and graphics.

So it’s essentially just a new map pack addition?

I dunno, the SP mode is much better than MW2. More fun. Too bad I don’t play MP on CoD or I might have actually bought this.

Essentially, yep. There’s some difference in weapons, perks, kill streaks but when actually playing its exactly like every other COD for XB360/PS3.

Disappointed? Not really since my expectations weren’t high as it’s like the Madden of FPS games, given its just minor changes year to year.

I think this is the most accurate description of the series (WWII ones excluding) I’ve heard of the game to date.

The Multiplayer tactics won’t change in a fast pased FPS shooter.

I wish they would get rid of reaching/leveling however and get back to the classic deathmatch mode of older games such as Quake/Doom etc where you have to find guns instead of spawning with them but everything is available since the start of the game.

I just tried playing campaign of Black Ops and wanted to shoot myself at how linear and baby sitting it is. No thinking involved and clips every few seconds.

Call me a hater or a pessimist but this is what I hate about modern singe player campaigns in games.

I grew up on the classics.

I’m dissapointed, The game seems like its just aggervating more so then the other… It could be the players and the way they are playing due to it being new. I feel like the multiplayer is geared more towards the window camper and corner camper… I’m a runner, so essentially those fuckers get me everytime!

from what i am reading on, and seeing in the interviews with the designers. the game actually allows for more individual weapon modification so it may better suit your particular playing style.

with the change in the point streak system (it’s not a kill streak anymore) you can either have things meant for total kill count (seeking missiles, remote mini tanks, etc) or you can have stuff meant for team assistance (uav, advanced uav, remote drones with enemy taging, etc). one of the nice features is if you select a more team oriented support package, then you actually keep point leveling up during the whole game and don’t have to worries about it restarting when you die.

i’m really interested to get into the multi player system after a few weeks of play as it seems that the guns have become much more customize-able to help you with how you play, yet also allows for a lot of help with to people who run and gun to help find and kill the window campers better.

weapon progression

strike packages

oh and F solo, that shits for the birds… i wont even open the window for solo mode in MW3.

Depending how well they pulled off the balance, it could work.

I’m very glad to hear they made it a little more team oriented with the support class and not resetting your perks upon death, however will that class be often chosen by others? Who knows.

That Juggernaut class leaves me worried.

I guess I’ll have to play and see.

the support class doesn’t give you a lot of “killing” strikes, so the fact that it doesn’t reset shouldn’t be a huge concern

I’m fine with it not resetting, it’s the attack Juggernaut superhero 2 kill per perk class I’m worried about :lol

Support class will get slaughtered defending or trying to capture and that’s the point. People who tend to have high kill counts such as myself will likely rarely be assault which means we will go after the other classes and hoping that those aren’t too strong.