November 8th. :bigtup:
November 8th. :bigtup:
Wow, looks awesome!
So can I fly the A-10, or chopper?
already have it pre-ordered.
submitting PTO request now
edit: actually, that’s the day I return home from Maui. Hopefully the flight’s on time!
Hmm, this or battlefield 3…
BF3 > MW*
Both? Thats what I’m doing.
I think I might get bf3 for PC and MW3 for 360
Looks dope, hopefully the single player story lasts longer than 3 hours…
My biggest beef. I know all the online nerds will want only the MAD LEET MAPS YO, I just want one hell of a good storyline and at least a few solid weeks of playing this thing, they’re too far and few between to make it short.
I don’t get why people get so excited when COD comes out (or MW in this case…) the Multiplayer has been the same since the first one (Obviously guns and maps have changed…) but overall it’s the same thing, EVERY time. Shit, they even re-used that shitty map from the WWII era COD’s in MW2. AND it still sucks!
Couldn’t agree more. I have bought the last couple CoD releases and got bored with them. Graphics improve, but it’s the same tiny maps. Multiplayer involves very little teamwork and usually is just a frag fest the whole time. If you still can’t fly/drive vehicles then I have have little interest.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it?
Or in other words… if it ain’t the best selling game eVar then don’t fuck with it.
People play COD for a reason.
People play BF for an entirely other reason.
The FPS aspect of BF* blows compared to COD. COD is a refined FPS because they don’t dick with the other drama (flying n shit).
OTOH… I love flying shit.
^ So do I, that’s why I stick with PC’s IL-2 Sturmovik
i have sturmovic for ps3 lol fun.
Anyways so this game is going to be released for xbox and pc? They cant release it for ps3 because its never going to be fixed. Heard they were gonna try to charge, like anyone would give sony a credit card number ever again lol.
I miss my ps3 how is cod for pc?
Every COD game since 4 I have taken off the Tuesday it comes out and the Wednesday after to get the game at midnight.
This year will eb no different but if anyone else is taking off, we can probably get a LAN party together.
im not taking off, but i also dont have a “day” job lol.
The way Cod intended it to be. (please get the pun)