Call Of Duty: MW3

Have a little more than a week till the release. I will be waiting in line at midnight.

Here is some cool game play videos I found that go into depth of their strike packages/kill streak system which I thought was pretty cool how they did it.

Here is one about how the weapon progressions go to tailor certain guns to different types of maps.

I’m pissed. Target just fucked me on my Hardened edition. Now I need to find somewhere to get it from for PS3

buying this for PS3 anyone else?

Hmm, wonder if it’s on newsgroups yet…

Anyone found the hardened edition for xbox out there? I can’t tell if they don’t advertise it much of if they are all pre-ordered now. 8/

This hardened edition is hardly worth it.

Preordered my copy, traded in a bunch of games, too. Should be sweet!

Whats the word on this game. Is it going to be worth the money, or are we looking at pretty much same game play, a few new weapons and new levels? Just wondering if its worth it, or to keep playing MW2 and Black Ops

You’ll make that money back and maybe extra if you buy map packs as they come out. I’m in if I can find it…I buy the map packs.

the word is BF3 > MW3

I will be getting mine at Best Buy again in the mall on TUesday morning. Last midnight release they had free Pepsi, a bunch of Best Buy girls dressed up like soldiers, and free posters. Also was only in line for about 10 minutes before I had my copy so will be giving them my business again.

I can’t wait. I love this series.

ive got mine preordered.

I do pretty much nothing all winter other than snowboarding and play cod lol. Can’t wait.

^^ Same here. They def know what they are doing when they release this in November. If they released it in June, my Xbox wouldn’t even have a XBLive subscription on it. November - April I am pretty much set.

Anyone doing the Mall pickup at Best Buy? Last year a few of us went to Fridays to drink and eat before going in line about 11:50. We were home and playing by 12:30.

Mall pickup huh? Chicks dressed up as soldiers. Sounds like the way to go. :slight_smile:

Well, Guess I’m getting a copy. My buddy just preordered 2 of them. I’ve been paying for an xbox live account for him for almost a year so that he could play Black Ops. I kept forgeting to cancel the payment, so to make up for it, hes preordering one copy and purchasing it for me. Never asked for money back, so this is sweet!

Ya. Warm since you lined up in the mall entrance to Best Buy and they had a bunch of the cute geek girls there dressed up in army stuff. Much better than standing in line outside of Gamestop.

Haha nice. I found out my Xbox Live has been on the month plan so I have been paying $10 a month for the last 12 months. Time to switch to the 12 month plan.

I think that I’m doing the same thing. The last I checked it was like 7 or 8 a month… then they went up in price and I completely forgot.

$40 for the year if yall haven’t seen the deal yet. I just paid $48 about a month ago. Doubt you’ll find cheaper than this. :slight_smile:

come to $43 and change. and if you go to best buy they WILL honor their online price in store, just bought one today.