CoD MW2 Knife throw

game sucks


I got online last thur for the first time… Game came out on tue… I was already playing against one and two star generals… WTF?

I value my life too much

Kill yourself.

MW2 > NYspeed

On a side note, I dont really see the need to equip the knife. When is it ever necessary?

Lol that’s awesome

I’ve been killed like that before by random frags people just fucking chuck and it pisses me off to no end!!!

Haha… Thats usually me that throws grenades like that… A lot of the time it works…

Its the guys with the shields that piss me off

Some fggt found a way to hide in a corner in domination and its almost impossible to kill him.

From that vid, I dont think I wanna play COD. Maybe I will pickup a old one to see if I like it before buying the new one. I am hooked on GTA4 tho

Fucking hate those things…Most of the time they’re easy to kill, but they’re so annoying regardless.

sticky grenade to the wall behind him won’t do it?

My roommate had a better knife throw the other day. He pretty much lobbed it as high as possible at a guy in a window and nailed him.

seriously who records everytime they play?

that was illl

Awesome throw!!!

On a side note,i’m currently producing a parody of the game called Call of Booty 2 : Modern Whorefare.

If you get someone with a random frag, you have done well.

If you spray and pray with the noob tube (grenade launcher), you should go ahead and kill yourself.

NOOB TUBE I remember when people would get SOOOOO pissed when you killed them in the firefrost? respawn with the IW 80 or 82 whutever it was called in SOCOM online.

Amazing ≠ Luck

fucking bravo

awesome throw and the game is great ive not even got to play the campaign yet looking forward to having a few days off next week so that i can play it.