Gamers: Medal Of Honor

So, last night I got on the comp to play some games for the first time in a few weeks. Noticed MoH open multiplayer beta started on monday, and ended last night, so I Downloaded it and played it for a good 2-3 hours.

Not a lot of content as it was beta. Now, after CoD:MW2 came out I hate the COD series, they took an awesome game, adapted it to the console type of gameplay and said fuck you computer guys. It’s way to fast paced at time and just was way to “arcadey” for my likeing.

Anyways, this game feels like the first CoD:MW to me, I think it may even be better, ill have to let you know when I actually play the full thing, i have no idea what the single player will be like, but the MP will be awesome

I will point out that I thin some of the gun animations/reloading animation seems a bit clunky and unrealistic, they need to add some recoil to the guns and add some more power to them, they’re a bit weak…

there is no way they could EVER possibly beat COD4 (MW). that game is perfect in every way imaginable. CODMW2 was a total waste of time to play, they messed it up so bad


CAPS!!! EXCITED!!!ONE11!!!1!!:excited

black ops can suck ym cock, COD is dead to me after MW2

I still have to play Battlefield… but yeah I am done with CoD anything. Have you tried Transformers: War for Cybertron on PC? I have it on Ps3 and love it, but not sure my PC will run it.

hmmm black ops vs medal of honor vs assassins creed brotherhood. this may be an expensive holiday for myself. fuck presents for the wife!!

What’s wrong with MW2? I think it’s more real than MW.

BC2 > MW2 > *

BC2 is probably the most detailed shooter in terms of physics and environment.

The singleplayer is awesome

The multiplayer is way to arcadey and fast paced for me

mw2 feels like im playing a cartoon. i mean the ability of the enemy to eat the amount of bullets i put into them pissed me off. its not realistic and the perks are SO DUMB

exactly the point i wanted to get across :thumbup

played the beta for about an hour, went back to bc2

I like BC2 for the sniping realism, and that’s about it.
Kinda gets boring after a while, I went back to MW2 after a couple weeks

Yeah, I don’t play MW2 multi. I only play BC2 and MW on-line (BC2 with strangers and MW with 3 of my buddies from time to time).

SP definitely is nice in both games, but I think SP and MP are the same in BC2 in terms of feel.

Deathmatch is for bad kids !
Play hardcore…no guess work, you hit them, they fall

Plus it’s clean as hell with nothing on the screen at all.

HEY IM NOT BAD hahahah :lol

yea switched to that and more search and destroy. i like hardcore tho

I like Transformers.

yup I only play HCTDM on MW2 will be picking up medal of honor and black ops

Thats why youre selling your wheels! I understand now, its so you can buy all the DLC for your CoD games!