I just picked it up last night, anyone else have it? Thoughts?
I think its pretty good, lots of customization, pretty balanced (besides RC car), and ZOMBIES!!
I just picked it up last night, anyone else have it? Thoughts?
I think its pretty good, lots of customization, pretty balanced (besides RC car), and ZOMBIES!!
be picking it up sometime this week.
XBL: pirite716
until i get it ill still be playing COD: MW2
I have it on PS3, I like it alot more than MW2, but that could be just because its new.
still didnt get it. hope to be getting it tomorrow
i got it, its not too bad, graphics went back a little comparred to mw2, im rippin it every night right now with a few people from the forum GrImEy GrImAcE is my tag
PS3- USAF_Maverick
Me and my buddy use the same name so if someone really crappy is playing its me
had this since Nov 1st got a hook up , only thing i like about it is the new type of kill streaks, new storyline and ZOMBIES of course, when you beat the game, you unlock a new zombie map, the pentagon and you play as JFK which i found pretty cool. what i dont like is the graphics look to cartoony ( ex. the guns and maps ), guns sound gay, gayer perks, and r way too accurate when shooting from the hip. IMO MW2 is the best call of duty so far, treyarch made black ops and World at war, world at war graphics look more realistic than black ops. infinity made the Modern warfare.
choice of gun in MW2:
TDM: FAL with red dot, slight hands, stopping power, commando
SND: FAL with red dot and silencer, bling, cold blooded, ninja
i rape it with the FAL ( no modded controller )
but i sold my systems so i dont paly anymore
I actually kinda like the graphics now. They do look kinda cartoony but I like it that way. The gun sounds are alot more realistic to me. The perks are the exact same except now there is gas mask. I hate how you can’t quick scope anymore, they completely destroyed the fun in sniping…
they should have fired them after World at war
The graphics are terrible
the game play is hurting as well
This is being compared to Modern warfare 2 , mind you.
They should have stuck with infinity ward
Black ops was just a cash crop.
would be nice if they didnt have the dumb ass contract where they rotate back and forth with infinity ward
Do you mean Treyarch? The made the game, Activision just publishes it.
i cant wait to get this shit.
black ops was so hyped up over nothing, i agree it was a cash crop. and wongger, the quick scoping thing is in MW2 ( made by infinity ward ) this is treyarch, no quick scoping, a big down fall to many MW2 gamers being the next installment of the call of duty franchise
xbl fucking sucks for matches
I used to play only to quick scope…not anymore:(
Countdown till MW3? lol
Waited in line for 10 minutes for this gem…
i beat it, it was awesome, and multiplayer is great too. Gameplay, story, etc. All well done. I don’t understand the part about it being too cartoony, it is easily on par or better than MW2 with the graphics… The weapon sounds are pretty damn good too, maybe your sound setup just sucks.
well i think of it as infinity ward or trearch gets two years to build a game… hopfully to make it better then if one company threw games out there every year
wow didnt even own this game for an hour and i want to sell it. waste of money. going back to MW2. this game is shit.
I can honestly say im NOT very happy about his game at all. Zombies are fucking awesome but thats about as good as it gets for me. I think im gunna try to sell this shit possibly.