Official Modern Warfare 3 thread.

Is that the first level of DOOM right there??? BADASS.

iddqd idkfa



Only a small % of Shift’s population will get it.

yea I figured :lol

If its the same as all the other CODs I will be posting mine up for sale this afternoon after I pick it up from work. Black Ops Multiplayer infuriated me like no other game I have ever played. We’ll see

BF3 is awesome. deathmatch not so much but rush mode is awesome

Just pm me.

Don’t have high expectations for this one if you didn’t like Black Ops or MW2.

i would like to play through the campaign of this new one i liked mw2 campaign a lot plus the special op 2 player missions are cool. ill just wait for a friend to pick one up

My copy is waiting for me im excited to give it ago. Its going to be a pain in the dick tho switching from MW to BF the controls are very different

This thread makes me want to play doom.

and cheat.

Heard its basically repackaged MW2 from a bro that bought it :lol


Seriously Russians? Stealing is ok as long as you think the price is too high?

Ilya < ALLLLLL — No fucking way bro…

Tried playing with you guys but that hardcore shit is for the birds, TOOOOOO many campers and sprayers.


Stuff that is worth paying for, I pay for. IE Forza, Madden, BF, the video editing software I have, I pay for ALL of my music now, Netflix (as opposed to downloading), etc.

However, I will NOT spend $60 on a game that I will beat in 10 hours and NEVER play again. That is just retarded and I’m sorry if that makes me the biggest sinner on the planet, but I will MOST DEFINITELY STEAL THAT CRAP!

I’d understand if they were making peanuts on the games and HAD to charge $60. They only charge $60 because that’s what the market is willing to pay. They are making a KILLING and I will not support developers who are raping peoples wallets for mediocre/valueless games (and judging by everyones comments - repacking games with new titles and minor added features). For you guys who play MP, fine. That has replay value. To me, COD MP always sucked after I played BF which is why I’ll never pay for it.

If that justification doesn’t work for you, oh well. Doesn’t bother me if you agree or disagree with me.

god mode and mega armor/weapons/ammo in doom. Fuck that game was epic. Don’t forget IDCLIP for no clipping(walk through walls). fuck I’m old :lol

Agree Vlad, I wish they would remake DOOM. Third rendition was EPIC on the PC, and I still have the PS2 CD variants but cannot play them on my PS3. I used to have a level editor on PC to make my own doom levels, enemies, sprites, guns, etc etc, and all the variables for them.

Trading in MW3 today for forza 4 this game sucks ill continue to play BF3

I still have all that shit too!!! Fucking DOOM is hands down the best video game for PC of all time.

Played Spec Ops for hours last night. Possibly the most fun I have had with any COD game so far. Suicide bombers and exploding dogs are awesome. get one in a pack of dudes pop one into their chest and watch the lulz occur