COD2 v.Release

[nerdiness] Anyone running out and picking up the game today - released today? [/nerdiness]

Would love to but my stupid old computer cant handle it :frowning:

Need like $1000 to do what I wanna do

ehh… I want to, but with Special Forces on the horizon I don’t know if I can swing it.

… so, yeah, I’m getting it.

I’ll get it sometime soon… I kind of need to upgrade my failing 9800 pro though. Thankfully I’m getting a x700xt in the mail for free this week from a guildy of mine from WoW :smiley:

Call of Duty? I used to play, was pretty good.

I played with teams like 3D, gamewyze, etc etc

I also used to moderate for for CoD

well, i just came back from reserving a copy @ EBGames. It’s not IN-STORE till tomorrow.

This copy is for a friend for his upcoming Berfday.

I’ll play a round or two on his and see if I wanna drop another fiddy beans y0.

update me tomorrow… I’ll wait too

You’re prolly gonna have to wait till Thursday, but will do.

Ill be getting it soon enough :snky:

so, in summary, I’ll say keep Your $60.

It looks better, graphics are nice. but from what I’ve seen, gameplay is teh sux0R.


oh well.

If you like MMOs try COV (City of Villans) very sweet

wtf is MMOS?

I am installing the game right now and can’t wait to play it :smiley:

MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online

So wow… installed it and played for a few. Kick ass game and it only makes me realize how painfully bad I need a new video card. frame lag sucks :frowning:

wait till You cannot shoot players that are climbing/performing an action, along with other small things that get really annoying.

but again, I’m not big gamer.

patches will be coming.

Well, I beat the single player campaign last night. It was kind of shorter than I thought it was going to be, but still a very solid game. I haven’t really had the chance to mess around with multiplayer, but from what I’ve seen of it, it looks to be fun as well :slight_smile:

I havent seen any of the single player - outside of the pre-release demo.

I was speaking strictly of the multi-player/online gaming.

I’ll prolly pick up a copy…

Just got this game a day or two ago… been playin’ it a bit today. This is my first jump into FPS in a long time. I’ve never been very good at it but I absolutely love this game!

It’s a great looking game… I’ve got just about everything maxed out graphics wise.