
both of course… :lol

oo and so everyone can have some fun here’s his real facebook page.

or just search Jason Al Istarabadi

have fun everybody… and please do your worst…

Thats not really him, its a fake account we made up for LULZ one day.

NO you’re wrong MIKE!!! its really HIM!!!


stfu buy me a 02M. or a replacement tdi 5th gear.

:lol…fuck vw transmissions they’re all junk…

Oh man his profile picture has crack head barbie in it ahahahaha

aaahahahahaha he’s friends with one of my friends on FB. I just IM’d her and asked how she knew him. She said he randomly added her because he thought she was hot. I then proceeded to show her the Infamous-H videos. Her response was basically…omg, YOU are probably a better rapper than this guy.


kkkramer post up the little convo we had with him on singhs wall! haha i invited him to accidently fall in my 100ft well i dug for him in duanesburg…he says hes gonna kill me, then he goes and blocks me, bwhahahah pussy ass bitch

LOL tell him to come on down to Dburg. Show him what country boys are about.

Ahhhhh hahahahaha he is friends with my Cousin’s girlfriends dumbassed sister.

He’s also trying to jack my mad spray painting stylezes

we are both friends with singh…and my neice… wtf? lol

links to the vids

ad that dude on fb:

He is friends with several young women I know… biggg fail on their part

Who would seriously look at that clown and be like yea I wanna be friends with him

You guys are all just jealous of him. :haha

jkjk :hug

And his hot ass girl friend

lmao, yea buddy! Crackhead barbie ftw :lol