Attn Kramerbuccs

my gf ellie (yelly ellie) drew me a picture at work (babysitting) and sent me the picture, i immediately thought of you. she wanted me to post this up for you, so here goes nothing:

Krammer in the MR. Two.

Have her cartoon the MR2 and I’ll tattoo this on krammit.

got it, give her a day or two, she needs rest in between the kitchen and the pathetic sex i give her:rofl



as long as you enjoyed yourself



I’ve cum to learn to just enjoy mysel and roll over and go to sleep :rofl

I thought the original post was funny, but this is gold. :rofl

I like those better than the BBS’s

Best 30 seconds of her life?

i give her the best 3 pumps of her life and IM OUT!

johnE you are something else :rofl

OP is a 3 pump chump i heard.

funny ass pic though for srs. let her know that i still don’t want to punch her in the face.


1 pumper humper ahemm… and you got it, ill tell her

3 pump chump
