ATTN: LSX fags!!! B&B bullets

I hate to break it to ya but the exhaust setups on a “regular” C5 and C5 Z06 are EXACTLY the same! Who knew right??

Let me ask my dad where his friends buy their B&B bullets.

yea while ur at it, ask ur mom where she put those anal beeds, those wernt hers to keep


Nice, Mom jokes…

whos joking? :rofl

Ahahahahaha Bakarakakakakian got clowned

Pretty weak if you ask me.

Like your body?

We may have a new howitzer target after we are done with pete’ house

he better pipe down and fast or else…shits going THROUGH!


Actually I do not have a reg C5. I have the FRC, which is the predecessor to the Z06. Everything is the same except the gearing and LS1 vs LS6 or a total of 45BHP stock. And once you start modding, even slightly, that makes no difference.

And I don’t want to hear, “but stock I have a titanium alloy exhaust and thinner glass so that makes my car sooooo much more superior to your otherwise identical FRC.”

Plus the most important part, my car is red and red>>>>>>>>>>>>>black.

Edit: I forgot about the most important part, you DO have the rear brake cooling ducts
which are abs. necc to cool the rear brakes which are only responsible for 20% of the cars breaking ability. So MAYBE that would edge a stock z06 out over my car right now, MAYBE.

P.S Edit: sarcasm was inserted, a little.

z06’s are 405hp. deatbeatwhatevers is i think.

Ok ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say at best case scenario the z06 is 65-70BHP more than my FRC. And I will reiterate unless you plan on keeping both cars stock, that difference is negligible when it comes the LSx motors. Other than that our cars are on the same page, granted the Z06 gearing is a little tighter.

z06>FRC>reg c5

def like ur car man, was just being a jackass. wheres the corvette love? :frowning:

at the old folks home with the rest of the bald(ing) or old farts who drive them

:rofl nice

I know:thumbup

I was just going through little man syndrome because the FRC is better than a reg C5 but not quite a Z06 haha.


How do you think I feel? I drive the poor man’s vette…

but atleast you dont see SS’s on the road compared to vette’s :wink:

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