ATTN: people who say "ugh, I hate being sick"

No shit. So does everyone.

That is all.


I fucking LOVE being sick YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


Attn: People who whine about people who whine about being sick:

Aw fuck it.

Yeah STFU whiners!

i find that most of the time when you hear people bitching about getting sick, it’s those people that are wearing flip flops through january. How do these girls do that?

it’s pretty easy to keep from being sick if you just dress properly and cover your neck when your out in the cold.


Or the “Hay guys. Its snowing/raining/foggy…”

Really? Thanks!


Man. I hate being sick.

But I love being siqqqqqqq…

I hate people that think weather and temperatures make people sick, when really its viruses and pollen, etc. etc. that really make people sick.


Attn: Sick bandwagon’rs

No one cares that you “might” be coming down with a cold, especially not me, when I am sick.

I throw a party everytime I’m sick. That is why I havn’t thrown any parties. :frowning:

researchers at Japan’s National Defence Medical College have shown that exposure to cold air enhances the activity of ‘suppressor macrophages’ - large white blood cells which actually depress immune system functioning.

depression of the immune system doesnt make you sick. In a perfect world you wouldnt need an immune system. Viruses and germs make you sick.

Attention : People who complain about gas prices still. But sit there for 20 fucking minutes for a cup of coffee and a bagel from Tim Hortons.

Shut the fuck up.

Your right, its not the cause of you getting sick, but its a factor. Your more likely to get sick outside not dressed properly exposed to the same virus, than you would if you had proper clothing on…

So for all intents and purposes, going outside without proper clothing on is going to most likely get you sick.


:word: Mike,

I would like to add that these fuck-o’s can’t park their fucking car and go the fuck inside Tim Hortons to get their goddamn fix. No, instead they get in line ON THE STREET and impede traffic. That is all…

^ I like when I park, walk in get a coffee, and still see all the same cars in line as I’m pulling away LOL

People always assume theres a wait inside if theres a line of cars outside, so theyd rather stay in the comfort of their car… Also people are lazy. haha+