I tried IM’ing you, but you’re too big a bitch to respond.
I still don’t know what the fuck you’re problem is, but you have got to be the biggest piece of shit ever.
I tried IM’ing you, but you’re too big a bitch to respond.
I still don’t know what the fuck you’re problem is, but you have got to be the biggest piece of shit ever.
How high is that piece of shit stacked?
im not at my computer with aim, thats why fuck face. come to butler with ur tough guy buddy and ill show u a piece of shit
coup is gayer than a fockin rainbow. :gaysex: don’t try to attack philip’skrotch at his own game you gaddamn nig. :owned:
I’ll show you my piece of shit and save the drive.
Ought oh, you’re not making a threat are you?
All of this over the fact that what I think is “fast,” you think is “quick.” God damn, this is why I don’t like imports. It’s just a bunch of shitheads like you, who think they are the greatest, smartest, and most dangerous person EvAr biggest they have large e-balls.
With the amount of popularity you seem to have, you’re not in the position to threaten anyone.
u humor me homo…and my car is half domestic…the chrysler half. and my real balls are WAY bigger than my e-balls, try me. :madfawk:
I hate imports you goddamn faggot. Ha. You’re a tool. You’re all worked up over this. I think it’s funny.
Whast crackin fellas ,you still bitchin dude ?
btw…i started this shit to humor myself…cuz im bored, and ur dumbass actually is gettin pissed, not that i care cuz i would have a field day if u came down and tried doing something, but i must be doing somethin right if ur gettin pissed… hah :booty:
you are owned…
I’m getting pissed? You two faggots are the ones who PM’ed me on DSMTuners, and started a thread about me, as well as mentioning me in other posts.
If you faggot fucks are getting off on this, than by all means do so. We all know you’re not going to do it any other way.
not ur way… :gaysex: :greddy:
…u wanna fight yet?
wow :greddy: