ATTN: QT in the skirt w/ the pink panties @ the square last night.

What kind of chick doesn’t wear pink panties?


I didn’t feel like resizing it lol.

LOL @ the project runway…my mom was watching the ellen “degenerate” show and that dude was on there…as soon as he walked out i was like “NEWMAN!!! WTF?!” and then i heard him talk, and i was like nahh C. Newman doesnt sound like a 10 year old girl lol

Uhh… I can’t read that shit… Maybe you should leave the photoshopping to the board gurus

the black dood is saying “OHHH YEAH!” while getting blown…and the chick is saying “NOMNOMNOM!” while blowing him…

^^^^ is that byron brown?

:lol: byron brown hahahaha that would be awesome if it was!

photoshop it send it to channel 2,4,7 with a title is this byron brown?

my buddy had the same pic on his cell

o rry?

yeah. i’m not huge. i’m not even big.

Have you been working out?

^she must be buff.

your girlfriend is fat. and ugly.
