Attn: Ritz residents.

Would one of you guys please steal that huge blow up pumpkin infront of zittles and put it in your house!!!

ill try and snap a pick next time im out there

we were actually talking about that a little while ago… newman wanted to blow it up in the living room. that would be so badass.

newman has pics of him jumping full speed into it. hopefully he has some of them hosted.

haha, i’m sure they would get away with that real easy.

Hahaha, just the mental image of a giant inflatable pumpkin in a living room made me laugh for some reason.

a giant inflatable pumpking that would most likely fill the entire living room and possible the kitchen if not more in the ritz.

buy one they are stupid cheap

then it would be lame…

the process of xfering it from the other place’s lawn to the living room is what makes it awesome…

and if it was blown up… the pumpkin would probably be against the sliding glass door looking at everyone with its crazy little grin.

pics… its big.

real big. everything real big.

Do it!!! BTW…where is The Ritz?

across the street from zittles, obv

Yeah ok, I dont know where that is either lol. Isnt it off southwestern ot something?

Did Newman get banned or something?


for what?, what happened to the threads that stated what they did wrong to be banned!? bring those back!

been talked about since the first fall i moved in there

yeah i’ve kinda always wondered that too.

remember the time we put that inflatable pumpkin in becks room? lolol

same thing here i was gunna make a thread but i was too lazy, i liked seeing why people got banned and them fighting back

There will be no giant pumpkin in the ritz…it’ll scuff my baller ass couches.