Attn road racers: Formula 1000 is a go!

On the cheap side = around 10-15k, which is less than half of what it would cost to do something like a Formula Mazda, or even a front-running Spec Miata for that matter. Add in the bulletproof motorcycle engine and your fun/$ factor is very high.

I know you can get into IT for cheap in most cases, but fact is, I want to be in something that can win, and something that gives me a good ROI over the long haul, with class stability (which is the one big problem with IT, IMO.)

I’ve been thinking FF, because it is the perfect dual-purpose vehicle, but I’d rather not have to think about dealing with a carbed engine. This is where F1000 is very appealing. The only piece of the puzzle that needs to fall into place is where (if any place) it would be classed should I choose to auto-x it as well. Once that gets figured out, it will pretty much be a done deal for me.