Attn: Saab and Corvette owners

yea i’ve noticed :cookie:


1: (adj.), Crazy; insane.

2: (adj.), shortening of psychological;

3: (adj.), Shortening of psychopathic;

4: (adj.), A word that shaggy can’t spell, no matter how hard his Virginia Slim smoking, dirty trucker ass tries. Faggle.

my monitor thanks you for the fresh coating of Red Bull.

this thread sucks more then the ones i make…

You make threads?

In the end, I’m not a pencil pusher that says yes sir no sir like yourself.
Freedom of not working with people like you.

Thank goodness :bowdown:

  • Newport

Me, a pencil pusher? I organize and coordinate 75+ teamster employees through the unloading and sorting of 130,000-165,000 packages a day, while being responsible for their training and safety.

You, drive a truck. I Eat people like you for breakfast when my loads don’t show up on time.

Pencil pusher




No, it’s perfectly acceptable for a middle aged woman to buy an automatic C5. That way she has something to drive to the tanning salon, hair dresser and stop at curves once every few weeks.


to be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.

have fun DSMing.

autos are for the old weak knees and pussys. try driving a big rig :booty:
4 options on the man pedal :rofl:

i give a fuck.

DSMs are fun when they’re not your only car.

I’ll have mine this year. your learn to appreciate the man pedal :kekegay:
unless miller lite cans accept your dash then all forgiven :kiss:.

:rofl: how gay would me, mike and shaggy look smashed into a C5 going for pizza?

cant run over any curbs in a c5

not as gay as being smashed into a foxbody :eek: