Attn: Saab and Corvette owners

only time i use a clutch is to pull out…no need for a clutch in any other gear

put you cock back in your pants, faggot.

pulling out? what does that mean? I am unfamiliar with this term.

something ur dad should of done!

He tried…but the better half of him dribbled down his Mom’s leg.



was it ur 5 year old daughter,no fucktard ur daddy, & i didnt say ur mommy should of swallow like she does for 1320

That bitch never swallowed for me WTF!

Come on, let’s be fair here. Mrs. Knapp swallows for everyone.

Sure their is always a reason to use the clutch, heavy loaded myself used the clutch to go steep uphill or downhill. Just takes that oh shit can’t find a gear feeling once…

Drifting backwards with 79-80k out of gear is not fun at all. 10 brake drums and 18 tires is all you have makes weird vibrating noise and those trailer brakes are more worn out than nonsexywhitechick.

damn i haven’t heard something pertaining to her in a while…thanks for the laugh jimmay!

From what I hear, most every lady that had the experience of working down at Dennys in Youngwood turned out this way for some reason.

denny’s tire?

Denny’s the restaurant that Mrs. Sebek worked at.

in youngwood?