Attn: SleeperGiantTamponstuffedPussy

you are a fucking cunt. The next time I see you in person, I’m going to beat you in the face so fucking hard that start wanting to buy cars that don’t fucking suck. You hear me bitch boy? I said I’m coming for you. You won’t see it coming, but know that when you wake up in the hospital and see that your arms are broken and your nose actually goes INTO your face, shed yourself a tear in my honor.

you want some too Karl?


Karl Marx!

that’s not even close to a proper fraction…

0/10 Do some research before you run your ill filled mouth with shit you cannot back up KTHNX

whatever Cunty McCuntcunt. figured your tail would go right between your legs when u saw this thread.

No thats just my buldging cock you see when your faggot ass stares at me with your lazy eye:wtcslap: