Attn: Slowcamaro

your on! :hsdance:

I don’t think your boss is gonna be too happy with you if you put any of that free gas in his truck. I think he might be happier if his truck stuck to a steady diet of No. 2 diesel fuel.



down noOb down!!


ricer excuse boy

nigga what?


which one…the supergoose is in pieces…where as the s.o.b. needs the front wheel bearings re-greased…and thats about it…

i havent race in for ever…actually i havent rode the s.o.b. since last summer…and that was for a little bit…

sit down shut up cock rider :smiley:


blk42e…look at who i quoted

you suXor at teh interweb


or the way it was adressed…he could have been backing u up and callin me taht…but oh well…i wasnt taking it seriously


well still on???

this treat is uber ghey :homo: