Attn: Soccer Players

There are pick up games on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday Mornings. They are held by an over 35 team- however, since this is their off season they don’t mind all ages joining in. Weeknight games start at 6pm at McKnight Elementary School on Cumberland Road. (Off Mcknight rd.) Saturday Games start around 9am at the same location. I will be at most of them because I’m trying to stay in shape. Lemme know if you are interested!

Jenn I know of someone that may be interested?? I don’t know much about soccor personally… but he enjoys it… I can mention it to him…whats the deal send me details ( if you can ) thanks!!

i’ll socHer

i am interested. heck my whole team would show… but thats to many

Im interested. Im in a league up in Uniontown that starts in like 2 weeks.

man…i wish my fat ass was still in shape so that i could play. i haven’t played in like 4 years.

Neither have I… its a whole lotta fun. Most of the guys that play are awesome, and they are more about helping you improve your game than being the ‘star soccer player’. Also being the only girl some nights isn’t a problem because they still include me. (I’ve played with some co-ed teams that just don’t include the ladies.)

I will be there tonight from 7-9pm.

chilly still run that league??? played for years up there. actually since the league basically started. great times.

Not sure…Ill find out though. The form says make checks out to Dale Williams. Is that him? haha

thtas the other guy that runs it. if he’s still envolved, i’m sure chilly is. been wanting to play again, but just don’t have the time right now.

Its real fun up there.

ingrown toenail + infection = no soccer :frowning:

what makes me feel old is that when i started playing down there, you weren’t even in kindergarden yet…

Hahaha did you play any college ball?