Anyone play pickup soccer or football?

Just wondering if anyone plays pickup soccer or football games on the weekend. I’d be interested if anyone wants more attendance.

i wouldnt mind some pick up football

i would play some football, i would kill all you old guys

I’d be in for soccer


would be up for either

depends on where you are playing…

Oh, I hope onbody thinks I’m setting something up. :wink: I was just asking if anyone already had a group together and wanted some extra players. :slight_smile:

Pittspeed football sounds like a blast.


Grass Fairy.


Pittspeed football sounds like a painful disaster.

The pickup soccer I play is over for the year… it will resume again in the spring. If we got enough people (I think about 14) we could put our money together (about 20 a person) and play indoor co ed.

where at?

Yeah where? Im gonna be in a league up in Uniontown after thanksgiving its an U-75 co-ed league

I am in for soccer