Audi Quattro History Video

22 minutes long and hyped propaganda overall, but very interesting.
This stuff kind of set the benchmark for what the Asian AWD cars are starting to do these days.
Makes me want to go out and drive my car, though.


thats sweet, the v8 rwd vette’s and camaro’s had no idea what hit em. that bitch ripped it up on pikes peak. goofy turbo inline 5 cylinders and awd definetly changed the way things were done at the time.

Nice find.

mmmm quattro… :frowning:

Good video

bad ass

… in some snow!

I love Hans Stuck.

gas, brake, gas, vvvpsh! vvvvvpssshh!!!

That makes me want to go out and buy another Audi.

yeah. i think the last one was a bad enough idea to get you to never want one again

?? the coupe was tight as f#xors…and the pissat was a vw. There’s a difference.


ever auto-x?

nice find, pretty interesting vid.

Some good classic footage-- nice find.

good stuff - I have most of the classic rally footage on dvd but not the other stuff.
on the rally side of things, Stig is a rockstar!! He still tears it up!