Subaru Sym AWD > Audi Quattro

That’d should start some shit :lol

Reality did strike just 20 minutes ago…Pulled an A4 Quattro out of the ditch on Charlton road with the superroo. AWD don’t mean jack shit when tooling around on whimpy allseasons folks.

JVG I told ya that tow strap would come in handy in the upcoming weeks!

  • rep, dumpy quattros

you have been dying to use that strap to pull someone out of a ditch with the rex.

Hey the ice race was canceled so I had to go fined some fun shit to do on the way home :lol

If you just use the rims the Audi will have no problem. At least that’s what they advertised or false advertised back in the 90’s…:rofl:rofl

Exbit A:

:rofl:rofl:rofl LOLZ where’s Cossey. We’re taking his S4 and putting this to the test. We have shit rims that’ll fit it no problem.

Cossey where you at on this! C’mon!

Im down for this “test” if i can borrow some snow tires. I have bald summer tires, driving in the snow is like driving on ice

I do not approve of this thread. Quattro ftw.

IDK, the A4 Quattro got us up to Gore with a 2 foot powder dump and 4 people/gear/beer in the car.

Subarus are just a ticking time bomb anyway. :wink: Failvis “owned” one so that’s another -1 for the Suebooroo.


Thats right Subarus blow up inbetween oil changes

I cant wait for my brother to buy his STi in the Spring and watch it grenade

thread sucks. - rep

My next vehicle shall be Quattro-equipped

My whole outlook on Audis has changed

Next time it snows you need to come for a 70mph bomb down 155 with me I’ll really change your outlook

What he said ^^

awd is the best but i like FWD aswell but i don’t like rwd.

quattro is the best

Thanks guy


I was in Malones A4 with Guidarelli and another kid from Siena and we were bombing up the northway past LG at 90mph in a good snowpack. On all seasons, too. haha. It was great.

I want to drive a Quattro-equipped Audi in da powda. It’s on my to-do list before I die and/or kill myself (or both).