Subaru Sym AWD > Audi Quattro

Hahahahah. I knew this would start shit ::lol

Quattro’s all good. I just wanted to fire you kids up that’s all. Bald tires didn’t help that poor bastard none

Watching Crazies now, back in a couple hours to check if I have to throw more fuel on the fire

yeh where cazwrx with his dumpy ass awd system

Hakkapeliitta’s + Quattro + diff locked = unstoppable :slight_smile:

Test was not accurate as you do have studded snows on the rust bucket versus worn all seasons.

Touche, yet you were sitting shotgun to witness how well those studded snows performed running up the mountain yesterday. I should have gone back and pulled that truck up out of the intersection too :rofl

Jeff, was that you I passed down off Campbell near Old Brick few days ago?

stock urQuattro+1200h.p.=awesome fun
stock subby+1200h.p.=pile of differential and transmission bits

Tom, “stock” and “1200 HP” don’t go together well at all :tongue

But 1200 HP and UrQuattro do :slight_smile:

True. Our friend Tony Chick down @ EPL is currently building his UR Quattro for some odd stupid HP figure :slight_smile:

I’ll drive my suby till it falls apart, part it out and make loot on the deal, then go search for the car I was looking for before buying this pile… S4 Avant. Yum.

He’s finally putting that thing together? I remember seeing it when I was there last with no engine in it. Might have to go down and visit him with the 200 once I have all the goodies on it. See what it puts down this year…not that it means a whole lot to me.

Yeah last time Seth and I talked with him he was working on the motor for it. I have no idea what his real intentions are with the silly thing but knowing him it’ll be a little nutty. Married life for him hasn’t set in yet :lol

I’ll be taking a trip down in the near future to trailer Cossey’s 996 there for tuning. More than welcome to tag along. Don’t know exactly when, won’t be until I get the motor repaired and back in the car.

I’m in. Doubt the 200 will have the goodies by then but I am certainly down for a trip.

It’ll likely be either right before or right after the One Lap. I leave for that on April 28th and wont be back for ~ 12 days.

Somebody find me an RS4 for when I graduate college in 10 years

They’ll be 13 years old and cheap then. Lol.

saw a dumpy audi driver lose control on i90 at about 9:00pm today. Guy was bookin 70+, lost control hit a snowbank and did a few 360’s, ended up stuck in/on a snowbank in the median. I lolled hard and thought of this thread.

subaru awd > anything else

I love going 70, in the snow, around long sweeping corners with no drama whatsoever. Unless I want drama, then I can slide it going 80 :rofl

Repost but I agree.

That was some proof of the idiots going to fast, they think they are hot shit with their quattro POS :rofl