auto photography site/forum

this site was just made by a friend and his auto photography is sick and is truly an inspiration to me… the forums are gettin goin and the site is real nice… one of the threads going on right now is take someones original pic and each person edit it so others can see post processing style, for example here is an edit i did of the owner’s pic:

Click to join and start posting your auto pix is the main site

let me know when you want to shoot my cars…

I love the website design

damn what a great concept…

so you can just post a bunch of your raw images and people will go to town and help u pwn? sounds leet.

micah id love to talk to you for a minute about photos and my camera ( a d50 )

i like the site so far. its WAY to nice though…you can take a blurry cell phone pic of your st00l samplez and everyone will comment GREAT SHOTZ!! YOURE COMING A LONG WAY! KEEP EM COMIN!

yea latest one the guy posted up a RAW image others would download, and we would just list what we did… gives great ideas for sure

d50? word thats the camera i have

newman - maybe monday? u have that day off?