Automotive stylings in 518

You know, 518 seems kinda conservative when it comes to automotive styling. For the most part people are into drag racing(so it seems). I’d love to see some hella flush cars, some VIP/EXE cars(love that style) some oni kyan stanced cars, some drift machines and even :ohnoes


What do you think guys? I think variety is good. I mean, theres nothing wrong with having some nice dragsters around here, but when its just that and some rice, its boring to look at. All I hear is people talking about draggin this and that and like 2 maybe 3 people mention circuit racing? Kinda boring. Are we one sided?

What the hell is radiused fenders? I can see a difference, but idk what the difference IS…:confused.

Yea Idk, looks like some of the fender was cut off?

I can see more wheel in the 2nd pic.

looks sick… not very practical around here though. i duno, are they bagged or just lowered that much?

I think the biggest problem around here is the support for that kind of thing. I would have 20x11’s in low low offset in the rear by now but there are no shops around here you can trust with an $800 rim.

Most shops dont even stock a fucking 235/40/18

A good deal of shops dont even know 35 seriers tires exist.

I wonder if there is even a single place above New York city that could stratch a 255/35 on and 11" rim

Body shops up here also dont know jack shit unless its a honda or a fucking muscle car. Ask them to radius a fender or roll and pull and they look at you like your are speaking alien.

Looks ghey.

^ Word.

Im not into the import lowrider thing.

Ok so why dont you just not post in this thread

It took me until this thread to realize that I dont even like cars anymore.

yea, it truly makes me sad. when i was shopping for tires i got the “wth is this kid talking about” a lot.

when you lower a car THAT and want to see the entire wheel and not tuck it or go oni kyan, you radius fenders. drifters would benefit from this, but it costs serious money, so they use a baseball bat and just “flare out” the metal more on their cars.

I agree. high sitting cars are practical here, for winter and shit(i can attest from having my eclipse having only ~3 inches of clearance on the nose, but it looks wicked.

my style is Euro and OEM+


drew at 518. i trust him with my rims, no matter what the price is.

That’s why we got to do it ourselves…

don’t worry. It’s coming. Favorited this thread for later. :wink:

btw i think he was looking for more along the lines of:


Only local guys… 206 local!!

where are they from?


are you on s-l? i am ;D i recognize the cars

why does anythread about drifting, or wheel fitment or sick cars turn into a:

violent running tribe,
pink godzira,

reach around session?

Gkeb is a kid, earl is an ass, and all the other guys are pretty much rich. BH is cool though but hes and ass too.