AutoX June 3rd 2007 Event Pictures

I tried to take multiple pictures of every car. There are 876 pictures.
Sorry if i have missed your car.


btw… i was the guy with the big silver lens.

geoff you are sooo hot… howd you do?

:tup: :tup: :tup: to you.

howd u do there thong? nice wheels… i see you made out well fixing the car? camber all set ?

Yeah, made it out last minute, u know how I do.

how does the car feel i meant? did they get it fixed to your liking? best time?

46.6xx was my fastest. Today was about getting back into the swing of things, so I wasn’t pushing hard until the last couple runs. The car’s OK, needs a better alignment.

Awesome! Thank you!

57 more.

Very nice pictures… I started to think you had something against me, or white STI’s until I got to the end though :wink:

edit: just saw yours too Jim, cool :tup:

thanks for getting the pics up super-quick! now I gotta pick one for my sig :stuck_out_tongue:

nice shots man!I bet these guys would love you to come to all the events and take shots like these huh?

Id love to go but the awd turbo laser aint on teh road yet but maybe sometime soon ill go.

sonikempire, thanks a lot for taking pics!
Finally good to see my car from the outside
My fav.

Heh. I think I’m juuuust about to eat that cone.

At least it’s with your back tire :wink:

Pretty sure I got that cone:D :

I dunno, looks like it may land in the box to me… :smiley:

lol you went by it so fast it got scared and jumped! :ohnoes:

got a new sig from your pics! thanks a lot :stuck_out_tongue: