honestly these are probably some of the best pictures i’ve taken in a long time.
all of them are untouched, straight off the camera.
honestly these are probably some of the best pictures i’ve taken in a long time.
all of them are untouched, straight off the camera.
the rest of the set…
Those bumpers are damn ugly, and would look so hot without.
Nice car :tup:
ohh, i wasn’t planning on making this a thread of everyones’ awesome pictures. just mine, but whatever that’s cool too.
I copied all of my links and then searched and searched for the random pictures thread… and couldn’t find it.
Oh well. Sorry for taking up your post for a few minutes.
haha, no that’s cool i’m not gonna be a dick. everyone likes to show off their pictures!
I really like the storm clouds btw!
Clean Baldy you can move the pics to the random picture thread if you want lol.
Thanks :tup:
I stood there for 30 minutes and took over 500 pictures to get just that ONE good shot. It’s too bad there were no bolts at that point, that would have been great. They came once it started to pour and I wasn’t about to stand outside when that started.
ISO is set too high.
maybe for your likings. i have things set how i like 'em.
No, not for my liking, you have tons of fucking noise, I dont know how you could like it. Nobody likes noise in pics set in dark lighting like these. It makes them look like they were taken with a cheap point and shoot. Which if they were, well, I digress.
Set your ISO lower next time boss. That is, if you want your pictures to look better.
Hey if you don’t like the pics, that’s cool. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
I like they way they came out.
nyspeed is full of camera elitists. Don’t post anything if you don’t own a $500+ slr , a tripod and taken at least 2 semesters of photography.
Honestly who the fuck are you talking to???
I love the ethugs on this site its really amusing.
He is talking to the camera elitists on the site and I agree. People cant just post a pic to show something anymore unless it is taken in some supreme perfection way lol.
thats just retarded sorry
I dont even own a DSLR (yet), nor have I taken photography classes. I just know that pics arent supposed to have noise, I thought that was common knowledge. I was just offering advice, but I guess it fell on deaf ears. Oh well.
And I thought that fast cars were supposed to have manual transmissions. :gotme:
I’d say that his pics are pretty damn good for a point & shoot and no tripod.