AWD 98mm Turbo Supra + N20

mine is completely under the hood, you cripple. :Idiots

Cripple fight!!!

I’ll just run circles around him and use my left arm :haha

He will trip you with his crutch


I wonder what the actual redline on that thing is, though

And then spear his collar bone with the other! VICTORY!!! :lol

For some reason I just envisioned you running around in circle laughing like a retard, and just LOL’d HARD:rofl


ummm, +1 what???

the last time I saw your car the turbo looked like a watermelon. I dont think you had a hood either.

wow dude. anyone else find it alarming that a 1’ section of his exhaust is larger and more beefy looking than that transfer case? she’ll be an animal thats for sure.

thats bc u saw it b4 it was done. It clears %100, not even the same setup now, noob

Ohhh dang! What turbo did ya end up goin with? I havent seen it since then :frowning:

get off ur ass and I’ll show you…

Haha, soon man! Very soon. Ill still be on crutches, but at least mobile!

fight behind my house sunday. 94 vs sully. then i fight winnar. :slight_smile:

How you gonna beat up a cripple when you bench like 400lbs :lol

sullys gay remember, i dont want him over my house. forget the whole thing.

i still want to see k20 and sean fight. but i think sean would win just because k20 has no idea what he would be doing. how about sean vs pete? yes!


Wtf just happened.

I can’t even look at the pics, it’s borderline incomprehensible.


well hopefully its out soon so I can see it. What turbo?