AWD 98mm Turbo Supra + N20

I feel like a rwd setup will still cut better times at the track. Even though looks like a cool setup

damn! that’s insane!

He better be careful around children, that turbo will pick them up off the ground and eat them.

Holy hell crude but effective control arms and subframes. U/L c-arms look like they were jet cut from solid plate.

That food processor of a spool is pretty knarly as well.

Honestly this thing is retarded.

And I can’t really tell if it’s good retarded or bad retarded.

It’s AMAZING for sure, but seriously. WTF.

fucking small turbo .

holy good jesus!

You can build a Supra for pretty cheap, all things considered.

Cheap being the main word.

next step is traction :smiley:


well i mean how in the world do you hold that down?

Care to elaborate?

That shit is silly