Awesome day!

Well trying to get GATVILLE out was not a success. That truck is stuck pretty good. Then upon trying to get my jeep out, I got stuck (first time this jeep has ever actually been stuck) and so we pulled it out and once I started moving, I mashed the pedal (not the right way to do it, but I just wanted to get it out and didnt care much). That resulted in the following:

Awesome time… and looks like its time for a full rollcage and chopped!!!
Good luck GAT with your truck!


Damn thats shitty. Looks like the rack prevented the damage from being worse though.

wow… how the hell did you do that?

and how the hell are we going to get GATVILLE out now?!??!

hell yea… apparently although my welds look like shit, they are pretty damn strong… lol

Basically as soon as my jeep started to get out of the clay, i just mashed on the pedal. Then when i got up to the packed dirt i got a lot of grip and the jeep tried to do a reverse 180… which doesnt work very well in a lifted jeep… lol. Im ok, and the jeep is a f’ing beast. lol.

ya looks like it held up well

and how bad is gatville stuck ? pics ?

Ah its but a flesh wound!

That will buff right out!

But yeah, that sucks… So Gatville’s truck is gone forever?

they are gonna pull it out with a bucket loader this week. He’s in there pretty good though. Between my jeep with the 9k winch and my dad’s truck we only moved it about an inch.

elliot (slwrthnu) has the whole thing on video… about 30 mins worth. He should have it posted up tonight and I will get it linked either today or tomorrow.

Kenny i really appreciate you coming up and helping, and that really blows about your jeep. At least we got it on video!

im probably going up tuesday with a d3 dozer and getting it out. the truck is fucking stuck bad!

singh - heres the link to my thread

Dont sweat it… its just more reason to chop and cage it… lol. If I was really that worried about rolling it, I wouldnt have kept the throttle mashed going up the embankment.

:lol true also i dont think you wouldve said " i dont give a fuck ill roll it" 5 minutes before for nothing!

FYI, im pretty sure your sway bar links hate you as well, lol

they dont need to be on it anymore anyways. I just havent gotten around to removing it.


Kenny are you alright? Did you get caught in the seatbelt during the flip or your head cushioned the impact?

i think the seatbelt failed b/c i thought for sure i put it on and i stayed in the driver side (without it, i would have ended up in the pass side since thats the way it rolled) but as soon as it went onto the roof, and after getting hit in the head with my airtank, i hit the ground. So im about 99% sure the seatbelt either failed or somehow didnt quite latch fully. I have a pretty nice headache and probably a mild concussion, but other than that im good.

holy jesus, bet ur asshole puckered on that lol, glad to hear ur ok dude

atleast the snorkel didn’t suck anything up and seize your engine while upside down, that woulda been some irony or something like that

wow what a fuckin fiasco good job Gatville not only did you get stuck but now you got friends flipping their trucks cant wait for the video:eek3 glad everyone is basically alright

as soon as it went over I immediately turned it off and attempted to put it in park but it wouldnt go (went in fine after we righted it though). Somehow the pvc snorkel withstood the impact along with the roof rack. I guess I make shit pretty strong… lol

you sir have a talent haha