awesome human beatbox

I thought it was going to be really gay, but turns out to be pretty well done.

Wow, I totally wasn’t expecting that. That was pretty cool. :tup:

pretty fawkin cool


Matisyahu > * at beatbox

rahzel will eff up matisyahu anyday. get off his ****.

the mixing is hilarious by the way.

good video editing, but not what i would call a “human beatbox”




i’m not shit talking matis, i’m just saying that he isn’t better than the godfather of noise.

have you ever even heard rahzel? he’d be singing over that beat.

saying matis is better than rahzel is like saying kanye west is a good mc. just dosen’t work like that.

Link something up?

yeah i was trying to google some rahzel cause i remember his crazy stuff but cant find any

i and another person i know can ruff up both. i can sing over a beat. try me if you see me out sometime har har. this guy is unreal

that is fucking impressive. wow.

uhh thats not rahzel. its somone coppin his beats unlees rahzel has pulle d revers micheal…

yup ok, this is fucking awesome.

umm…so you were arguing with me and telling me that matisyahu is the best without knowing anything else?

this board blows my mind.

and yes, that dude copped rahzel’s whole routine.

matis is a n00b. you cant touch the godfather of noise…

find the rahzel clip that has him singing over beatboxing an alliyah beat.

that shit is the truth

thank you. taking the n00bz 2 sk00L.

neat clip on the real rahzel =p