Awesome pictures of trip through North Korea, Chernobyl, Ukraine, Belarus and Beijing

Crazy shit.


wow. NK is no joke.

wow man those are fucking AWESOME pics. I’ve always been fascinated by Chernobyl.

I’ve seen pictures and heard stories about now beautiful Korea is. I really want to go there some day.

Top Gear did a special there, they traveled the country on little motorcycles. It looked truly amazing.

Not NK they didn’t.

south Korea then? I havent seen it in a while but I remember it was awesome…

I’ll definitely have to view this thread when I get home. All images in this thread are blocked. F’in websense.

Blocked here as well

Yeah, no way they’d allow a whole camera crew in NK.

The TopGear guys would be drawn and quartered in NK.

I remember reading an articale/blog a woman wrote a few years ago with several pics of Chernobyl and it was quite the read. I just sat there in awe of what was once a city, and now just buildings and some plant life.

Not going to lie, the Chernobyl and Pripyat pictures really make me wanna play COD: Modern Warfare.

I’d be interested in reading it if you happen to stumble across the article again…

I play that game regularly with 3 of my russian buddies lol.

WOW! those are some amazing pictures! I would definitely love to see Chernobyl someday. It actually was happening when i was being born.

and i think this picture pretty much says it all. we really are the most hated country on the planet.

The whole time I was looking at those pictures i was playing COD4 in my head…

Exactly at the point where your at the ferris wheels and in that building with the pool fending off shitheads

My favorite part of that whole game

Really cool pics none the less

scary, creepy and awesome at the same time!

I totally respect people choosing uncommon vacation destinations. Way cool.

that was vietnam.

^ya :lol missed that comment

Ive wanted to go to chernobyl sense I was like 13, im facinated with these kinds of things… guess im just morbid lol