North Korea

Is anyone keeping tabs on how many times they have threatened to attack the US or nuke on of our allies? It’s really getting to be the boy who cried wolf.

Also, you would think that the US would figure out what they have been doing isn’t working. Our sanctions didn’t stop them from building multiple A-bombs, so why would more solve the problem. All we do is back a rat into a corner and they feel they need the bombs to keep the humanitarian aide coming. If we simply cut off all their “humanitarian aide” from china and elsewhere they wouldn’t be able to afford plutonium and weapons technology. It’s just like out stupidity during the cold war. We wanted the USSR to stop building up their arms supplies, though at the same time we were supplying them with humanitarian supplies to feed their people…freeing up money and resources for them to build more weapons.

Does this country ever learn? Please correct me if I am wrong on any of my facts.

Hopefully china does the dirty work for us and attacks them.

It would be super nice if china just bombed the shit out of their nuclear installations. Its more their job to watch them than us anyways.

China is playing the role of the US in the 70s. They are trying to keep the asian continent and Korean peninsula stable. If there is instability, china is the one who will suffer most. Their economy can’t afford instability like that.

I can see China being our new best friend.

China: I’ll bring the troops.
US: Here. Give your troops these better weapons. (What rifle does China even use? The ak? Have they ever even fought in a non civil war?)

Its not china’s weapons that are their military downfall, its there troops. Most of them join for the chance to leave the country or sometimes city. many of them are not allowd to leave the country.

The North Koreans are seriously out there.
There must be something in the water up there. Maybe lead.

^^ sp- allowed not ‘aloud’
since you guys are so concerned about the country, good info here

Thanks for the link. I’m watching the video now. I love learning about different cultures.

Yeah, they gave us a serious smackdown in Korea when we got close to the Chinese border, pushed us all the way back to the 38th parallel.

Obama will “talk” to them and make it all better. He said his change would qwell all tensions in the world. I have no worries.

I agree. Perhaps they’ll Skype before their torrent file of the new Transformers movie (Kim’s pick in the name of diplomacy) finishes. Maybe Obama will add him as a friend on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.

I’d love to see secret talks with China basically telling them

“look, neither of us like him, we cant be fighting on another front, blow his crazy ass off the face of the earth, and we will continue to do business as usual”

Well, after watching that video posted above can see how a conventional war (like iraq) would be impossible.

Thousands of years of history, British imperialism, WW1 and 2, vietnam, korea, cold war, etc…

Ak is popular everywhere except the US and allies. They also have some pretty badass ex-soviet tank designs that rival our abrams. They are no joke
There was an actual story in the “legit” N. Korean media about Kim Jong Il’s first round of golf ever when he tried it. He shot 38 under par and got 11 holes in 1. Why is he fucking around with nukes when he can just go make Tiger Woods money for playing a game? :roflpicard:

China is never going to attack N. Korea, so you can dismiss that idea right away. The best we can hope for with China is to break them off as a trade partner. NK gets 80% of their energy and something like 65% of their food from China. All china has to do is stop sending them resources and NK will literally starve and have to do whatever China wants them to.

didn’t kim Jong also win his election with %100 of the vote? LMAO

i think he was playing putt-putt

probably because he killed every score keeper until one said he got 11 hole in ones