So how about them wacky North Koreans...

Surprised no one started a thread about this yet.

“Intercontinental ballistic missiles and various other missiles, which have already set their striking targets, are now armed with lighter, smaller and diversified nuclear warheads and are placed on a standby status,” Kang said. “When we shell (the missiles), Washington, which is the stronghold of evils, … will be engulfed in a sea of fire.”

Nevermind the fact that no one thinks they have the technical ability to actually pull that off, saying you’re going to first strike DC and engulf it in a sea of nuclear hellfire is quite ballsy to say the least.

Of course, today the US said this:

The U.S. is fully capable of defending itself against a North Korean ballistic missile attack, the White House said Thursday, after Pyongyang threatened a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the United States.

Which begs the question, “If NK doesn’t have the capability to send an ICBM here with a nuke, why are we concerned about being able to defend against one?”. Are you saying maybe they do have the capability?

If they are going to nuke DC I just ask that they wait for the prez to be addressing a joint session of Congress. Wouldn’t want any of those scumbags to be out of town for such an event.

im sure they have the capability … i mean whats it take nowadays … pack the shit with rocket fuel … shove a iphone in the nosecone and set a course on foursquare

If they were smart they would detonate in upper atmosphere in the Norther Pacific and let the jet stream carry a radioactive cloud into the U.S.

-They are technically capable of pulling that off.
-It would be deadly.

A nuke being guided by Apple Maps is a scarier thought than any NK is going to threaten.

Attacking the US, in any capacity, would be suicidal for ALL of North Korea. They know that. So they won’t do shit.

They have a long history of talking shit.

If they make one move, we will shoot it down before it even exits their airspace, and then we will wipe them off the face of the planet.

Well, you would think so as a sane person. The question is how sane is Kim Jong-un. How sane could any kid be after being raised by Kim Jong-il?

I don’t think he’s preemptive strike on the US crazy, but I think he’s crazy enough to start some shit with South Korea which will draw us in just about as quick.

Dennis Rodman has everything under control.

If they fuck with South Korea, then I suspect that within 1 week, South Korea will just become Korea.

Kim Jong-Whateverthefuckhisnameis is just pissed off because he thought that Dennis Rodman was Barack Obama.

If they could hold off on nuking CA till Feinstein gets back that would be super

We are down wind though! Get them while they are in DC.


We are ok

Oh and this is pretty leet live wind map - Wind Map

I think he is just pissed that the Harlem Shake has replaced the Gagnam Style dance.

Think that guys from S. Korea actually, not that it matters.

I’m game for a nuclear holocaust.

There. I said it.

Anybody ever read/see The Sum of All Fears… Id like to believe that if any sort of nuclear strike was to occur on US soil, that it would be more so in that manner.

How hard would it be to ship a nuke (or several) on a container ship into a crowded port (or ports) or something like that and detonate them right there?

wouldn’t have to pay my college loans…sigh.

here is the actual video that north korea released to show how this is going down:

i was reading this yesterday…waiting to see how things play out.

i for one am worried about if we ever had a nuclear war on us soil…we live right next to one of the biggest freshwater and electric generation resources…

This is the only accurate statement in this thread.