So how about them wacky North Koreans...

Someone needs to tell short round that we’re not taking him seriously until he gets a big boy haircut.

It’s okay. DARPA’s got this under control.

Yeah, comes back to my whole thing about how the mutually assured destruction defense only works when both countries have leaders with the mental capacity to handle cause and effect logic. Short round there looks like he might have an IQ somewhere in the mentally deficient range and we know dear old dad was too vain to ever admit his kid might be retarded. In all seriousness… how much do we really know about NK’s current supreme leader?

I just don’t understand why we’re waiting for the attack to retaliate… why not just hit the erase button before hand

So its not like you cant argue that point…but while Im not arguing if they are crazy or not, do we really want to get in the business of offing people/countries because they essentially talked shit?

I suppose its not like we haven’t done it before… but yikes on throwing the first punch in a nuclear war.

If you are the aggressor in a Nuclear attack you become the enemy of all nations. (discounting WWII as that was the end of a war and the start of a new era).

Unless Russia and Iran back you :tinfoil:


We wouldn’t intentionally retaliate on the civilian population.

I think we would have to allow it to exit their airspace, otherwise conspiracy theorist (aka Russia & Iran) would say the U.S. attacked North Korea first. The question then becomes can it be shot down before it has ill affects on Japan’s air quality? The most diplomatic situation is shoot down incoming threats over the Pacific and retaliate against military targets with conventional missiles.

Absolute best case scenario North Korea attacks South Korea, we back out and let Japan and China deal with that ish. We then are able to build automotive and manufacturing base back in this country.

You guys do realize we have a large number of troops in South Korea? lol

Something like 30,000

Fixed. North Korea will be the point of the spear if anything.

You realize we can deploy the largest army(count in all branches) in the world in a short time when we as a country have the motivation. The current Military is full of battle hardened well trained soldiers. Now count in all the highly trained veterans that would jump back in if their country actually needed them.

I’m not talking an occupation. I’m talking war, which is something this country is good at.

General Kim Tso doesn’t scare me much.

He makes good chicken though.

No way lol

I was talking about them attacking south korea with nuclear weapons and people saying we wouldn’t be involved.

Fucking right :tup:

Pretty much dead nuts. :bigtup:

Take what I said and now add in about 30,000 of our brothers blood spilled on foreign soil by one man and country. I would go myself in an instant.

We as a country will provoke it, North Korea will attack with the silent backing of Russia and China. Once we retaliate then Russia and China step on to the main stage. Make no mistake though, we will provoke and will stand down when the attack comes. Our government will allow this to happen us.

i thought china and russia have told n.korea to pretty much back the F off because they don’t want to get involved with anything and don’t want an attack happening near them involving us.