So how about them wacky North Koreans...

This is all i have to say!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/rodman5n-2-web.jpg

Either a lot of those fuckers are squinting to see or older north Koreans have good eye sight. Not to many glasses wearers in that pic.


Never underestimate the influence of “crazy” in world history. It has effected humanity too many times already.

Just declared the 1953 armistice (the one that ended the Korean War) invalid.

Thoughts, before this gets moved to politisuck anyway?

Kinda getting scary at this point. Not so much for the US, but more so cause N. Korea is nuicking futs

I heard this guy called a dic-tater-tot. That is all I have to add right now. lol

We got to drop an A-bomb because nobody else had one.

Today, nobody can drop an A-bomb because of mutually assured destruction. (See: Cold War.)

Unless you have a leader too stupid to understand that. Say, one that’s really young and the product of multiple generations of chosen-by-god propaganda. Oh.

Could get interesting, though I’ve got to think that Short Round the great dictatortot must have some adult advisors around telling him to fucking shut up. Such as some guy who’s name sounds like “poopin”.

Glad I’m not the only one to understand this.

I’d say at this point Kim So Pudgy isn’t going to do anything he doesn’t want to do. If I was in S. Korea I’d be shitting bricks :sb:

Agreed, I had typed out an entirely to long post explaining my earlier comments but did not want to take all the time to cite reports, videos etc. only to have a tinfoil hat emoticon attached to a reply. Not worth my time. More a conversation to be had over drinks.

MAD has kept things in check for quite some time but even now Russia has backed away from the table of arms reduction. Putin has been reconstructing a new class of weapons and Russia has stopped taking our aid to convert warheads at the plant we built them after the collapse of the Soviet Union. For the time being it is in China and Russia’s best interests to play the world game. When it no longer serves them it will be very apparent for the US.

I agree Putin is most likely telling this kid to turn it down from 11. Who knows he probably isn’t even in control of that much. For all we know he could just be a figure head. We don’t really know anything about North Korea.

All the world’s indeed a stage and we are merely players.

Andrei Lankov, of Kookmin University in Seoul, added: “It’s how their diplomacy is done. A Japanese foreign minister would express ‘deep concern at moves within the UN security council’. In North Korea you get a deputy minister yelling: ‘We are going to destroy the world’, but it’s still the same message.”


So, KCNA is the state-run agency. This is the Japanese-sourced translation.

Perception is reality.

U.S. is flexing it’s muscle again at North Korea. They are flying B-52’s over South Korea along the border running “drills”. Nothing like poking the dragon…I feel like the U.S. is really pushing these guys to do something in retaliation.

More like poking the lizard.

They are poking all over the World, they need to get something started somewhere.

Nothing like a good ol’ fashion war to kickstart the economy again.

It wouldn’t take much to bomb short round back to the stone age.

Seriously. Flying B-52’s on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq war isn’t a coincidence. I really think they are trying to push a war on them this time. I guess we have had enough threats by now. Not like we are in any shape to start throwing punches…or are we? Lets have another war funded on the backs of tax payers.

The US would destroy NK is less than 24 hours without spending more than a few minutes worth of tax revenues. NK is hopeless. It would be harder to beat Canada and we wouldn’t even fight back, it’s just that the bureaucracy of acknowledging what happens would take at least a few days between our nations.

Also, we should be believing about -0.80% of everything that is being reported about this situation.

We’ve been down this road before and as a non-American i’m not blinded by the necessity to prove military capacity by massaging a nation’s conscience into a accepting something like this.

moreover, NK doesn’t offer any strategic value to the US vs. Russia or China and there are no significant resources to pillage there which leads me to believe this won’t really happen.

just sign off on KEYSTONE XL already and stop reporting on NK’s bullshit since no one cares and wouldnt know either way whether they continued to exist or not.