Thermite FTW
“This car will be destroyed because its old, its white, but more importantly its French.”
Xander and Jeller: Per our discussion last night involving $100 cars, we now need Thermite.
Haha, nice that narriator’s voice is annoying as hell though.
i remember the last time i threw a thermite grenade … man that was fun to watch … we thought up any excuse to use them that time was we thought there were bombs in a dumpster
run up tossed 2 in watch the show … good times.
thermite is some cool shit
if i remember correctly that thermite on the hood trick was in the avengers handbook… and maybe even the jolly roger as well
great… now every stupid fuck with a internet connection will be playing monkey see-monkey do
:tup: good vid
yup anarchists cookbook … jolly rodger you got it right
That was Richard hammond, hes almost as cool as thermite.
pun? :eyebrow:
well I wasn’t about to call him hawt… that owuld be :gay2: . Instead i will just say that i admire anyone who gets to beat up on ferraris for a living.
thats cool as hell
When thermite is made using iron (III) oxide, for maximum efficiency it should contain, by mass, 25.3% aluminium and 74.7% iron oxide.