awsome drift vid

makes you feel like your in it lol

sick i remember this vid some massive choku dori all close to the wall. i remember showing this in my class and the guys were freaking out…

i thought it wasn’t choku dori mr. japanese master!

hahahaha choku dori = drifting on a straight

manji = side to side.


not this again… lol he was clearly on a straight at the start before he hit the turn mr. CHOKUDORI_DA :rolleyes: lol

exactly. he was doing choku dori. he was ON the straight getting sideways way before the turn, meaning CHOKU DORIIIII!!!

you just proved my point :smiley:

WTF??? ggrrr samson imah kick you… thats what i’ve been saying to you the whole time :mad: lol

Edit: just for that NO SIG FOR YOU AHA! how do you like them apples :smiley: