awsome parking lt drifting vid

does anyone know what forum these guys are on?


oh wow this one is neat too

wow that’s pretty bad

wow there are some decent vids now. i found another horn blaster vid and he gets a cop at the end. that is the first time i actually busted out laughing in a while.

the end was really funny

the cop probably shit his pants thats funny

such a repost, it was also in raleigh, NC

i dunno i think the end might have been fake, the cop looked like he was lookin up at the car coming i dunno still funny as fuck tho.


I don’t even care that its a repost…every time I see that vid I can’t help but shake my head over how retarded some ricers are, and how funny it had to be to be there. The white car’s a tank…its headlights didn’t even get broken, the civic looked like a bus hit it.

the civic looked like a bus hit it.

yeah thats why i don’t drive a honda.

that was seriously some funny ass shit right there!
i wish i could have seen the cops reaction though.

hooray for snow!

Maybe if we ever get decent snow fall here, we can see a combination of this video and the first “siq drifting” video. hah.

keep your video cameras handy and your eyes on the parking lots…

…and maybe a little bit of the air horn video mixed in? yea, that’d be a fun night.

train horn one is damn funny

that horn is amazinnnnggg

that’s how you tokyo drift beeyotch.

hah. gets me everytime


Probably shot him.

I love how nothing happend to the 3000GT, but that shitty riced out civic got fucked lol. Stupid assholes lol