



The End


I’d feel bad if she didn’t have a FUPA.


great…lol she could have been hotter or hit by the black guy IMO

i laugh that shes still holding onto the bottle

that’s not right, you don’t hit girls. Pussies hit girls.

he got dos’ed !


What you dont know was dats not kooaide… dat be menstrual blood!

Check the shexy gut in pic #3


wht a btch. they were having a water fight and she stained his gear with kool aid?

while it’s def not right to hit a bitch, shit. what did she think would happen.

I can’t blame him. Hanes shirts and AE jeans are mad expensive, son.

Don’t fuck up a man’s white tee.

I hope that guy got his ass handed to him.

I love the look on his face in the 2nd pic…

Facebook waterfight? Much worse could have happened.

Like someone showing up with a “fake” AK47 water rifle.

Or a canadian showing up with a knife.

whos the other chick with the tits and no shirt in the last pic?

hmm hey that guy looks like (jerry) SVT2913 or whatever his sn is.

Looks like he’s got a promising rap career ahead of him.

What a douche.

yea im surprised these pics aren’t followed by a series of that dude getting his ass beat

it was actually a series of high-fives.

Did micah take these siq action shots? :stuck_out_tongue:

And I was really hoping that she was just going to run into that tree…