i still think its stupid, but it takes HUUUGE balls

and it will get him laid

so why hate?

it takes huge balls to rob a bank, but is it a good idea?

only if you do it in the winter during a snowstorm and use snowmobiles

i planned that out in my head long ago

If i was with a girl and she had something like that tattoo creation on your stomach saying something like " all men hail to the princess" I would leave her immediatly.

You have seriously limited you selection of women…by a lot.

But if you’re gay then :tup:


not at this point… that tat will get him laid all day long on myspace… but he has like a year left max on that fad.

jesus…a lot of you guys are seriously idiots…ur getting pissed and acting like the tattoo is on ur stomach…

some of you need to relax…it’s becks body…let him do what he wants. who gives a shit…it’s not ur problem nor is it hurting anybody.

skunk are you crying again?

I know its not on my stomach… i’m not that :gay: … but if I was I bet I could get a lot of guys in womens pants and pink belts.:wink:

If he didn’t want to get harassed again then he shouldn’t have posted it again

yeah i think you are missing the point skunk-ap-e. Its the fact that he needs to post it on the intraweb to get the attention, you have tats but you dont go around like omg look at me look at me, Im such a tool the only way i can get people to pay any attention to me is by doing something unusual!

bah…again…you guys are getting pissed cause he posted them…OMG…let’s all get mad…

i know beck. when he first went to ubrf and posted the first tattoo…yea i thought he was a giant tool…

but i got to know him…he’s not a bad kid…at all…honestly…the drama was supposed to be left on ubrf…so if u don’t like what he has to show…then shut the fuck up and keep ur god damn negative opinions to urself…i’m sorry, but people bash on other people for the dumbest shit sometimes

Maybe he posted here to show people because he’s happy with what he did, not to be an attention whore like others on here. I dunno anymore… there’s criticism and there’s just plain fucking rude. Sure people have the right to comment on what he did because he posted it on a public forum but some comments are out of line.

Unless you know the real person (not the internet persona) than I believe you have no right to comment in a rude manner. I’d say 95% of the time people’s online character is nowhere near what they’re like in person. Like me for example. I love NKOTB.

You’re just jealous, because he can shop anywhere for his Seven jeans and you have to resort to Lane Bryant.


I dont think anyone is mad about it, just kinda sharing their opinions. I don’t think that he’s a bad guy or anything like that because he has a questionable tattoo. Personally, I don’t care what he does to his body, if it makes him happy, werd. To me, I would say “WHY!?! would anybody do that?” Kinda like when someone makes a post about look at my new tail lights and they get flamed.

but pretty much what jack said is true…

I have no idea WTF you just said :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Jon. I’m not ripping on the kid, like I said… I’VE MET HIM BEFORE AND WE GOT ALONG FINE.

Just because you know someone in real life doesn’t mean the gay stuff they do online is the right thing to do. Next time I see him I will ask to see it in person. Then I will tell him how retarded it is. Then we can go get a milkshake.

Skunk Baby… you gotta chill. Beck is a big boy… he knew what he was in for before he even went under the gun… and now PART 3 is just asking for some ass reaming.

this’ll teach everyone a good lesson not to share things about their lives on this board.
:tdown: to that… no one’s going to want to post anything if they know they’re going to get their asses bitten off for it. and what the hell… share your opinions yeah, but don’t be mean. what’s the use? especially saying " that thing sucks " about something so permanent. are you really that bored?

fine jack…i’ll chill…:)…but next time i see you…i get to kick u in the nuts

-ok back to work for me…

Jack likes his women like he likes his coffee…

jack doesnt like coffee


this tatoo is so representative of adams personality that it is perfect. only some people could pull this off and he is one of them… i think i could too… but i wouldnt…

Could I pull it off. :snky: