
I am assuming beck is a girl? nice stomach! lets see what you got upstairs :wink:

You just leghumped a fucking dude


:tup: on the tat.

:tup: :tup: :tup: for having the balls to get it.

he does wear girls pants tho…

:tdown: I think it’s dumb as shit. But thats just my opinion, if you like it, then rock on.

The balls to get it? How about being retarded enough to get it? How about being an attention whore? And by whore I mean whore… like a real whore.

Who wants to get in on the ground floor of tatoo removal? If just 1% of the public get tatoos like this… when they are 30-60ish… they will want that crap removed.

I can see it now…hes 78 years old in a nursing home, the nurse pulls his shirt up while changing his diaper, and there it is…

“bitches aint shit”


:rofl: :rofl:




This one goes right along with the popped collar crap.


looks like shit… carry on.

how? cause its not finished? lets see your tattoos. i bet they either look like shit, or are something stupid, like a nice tribal arm band.

wow you know me oh so well.

i am assuming your a guy? actually I think I’ve met you before.

LETS SAY i am a girl…and you were trying to be funny, and or try to get me to talk to you, and or eventually get me in the sack…you’d fail…horribly.

look for a new sticky shortly, about actually how to treat and talk to a girl, and get somewhere.

sleeping around @ 18 with cute/hot chicks >>>>>>>> one vagina for the rest of your life @ -30 years old…

thanks to the people who actually know me, and commented. notice how the people who actually know me, didnt talk shit? :slight_smile:

I’ve met you. I think the tatoo is retarded and is screaming for attention.

Sleeping around with hot chicks > 1 vag for life…

Aparently you know less about relationships than I thought. Once you find one good one, its all you need. If your tat gets you laid, the chicks your with are probably infested with all sorts of shit. So you better hurry and get that shit colored in before you break out into a nasty rash… or blisters… or some other type of disease that the type of girls that sleep with you carry. Loose women are that way for a reason. Obviously they sleep with anything and everything.

Good Luck @ the doctor. Hope everything checks out allright.

or, or, or… or I don’t have any. Why do you care what I think about it? I think it looks like shit and to me, thats just one thing I wouldn’t want to wake up and see every day.

:word: :word: :word:

lol, beck, you kill me

You have the balls to do it, but like I said before… you probably are gonna regret it down the line…

oh well, do what you want :stuck_out_tongue:


hahahaaha. BTW (I know you’re a dude)

Seriously though, I think the tattoo is hilarious, I guess thats a good thing. Its one of those things that is really funny for someone other than (myself) to have. I know you get a lot of young myspace ass, but the problem is this is all a trend, your tattoo being attractive to these girls is a trend, and you are going to get laughed at by all of them at some point down the road, although I am sure you know this, and don’t care, so whatever.

My other point… teenage girls SUCK in the sack. Yes they are hot, yes, most guys are going to fantasize about these type of girls, but the fact is, 99% of them are going to be a huge disappointment (and have been, to me anyway), unless you are just looking for a hole to fuck, and a pretty face to look at it for your 30 seconds of pleasure. I don’t know… I guess I wouldnt kick some of them out of bed, but at this point I prefer older, confident women that know what they are doing, and quite frankly I dont see many of them going for little boys with pink belts and girl pants, tasteless tattoos, blah blah blah…

What is my point you ask? I have no idea.


well… I can see who get some quality ass in this thread, and those who have to do it with 80 chicks and still hasn’t found a good one yet.

Quality > Quantity.

Sry Beck, but you asked for it.

ROFL and :tup: x 1,345,678,996,543 on Jack and Dozer.

Illero, I am still a fan of the quality and artwork of the tat so :tup: to that.

Also I catch myself saying bitches ain’t shit all the time when the situation calls for it. It really is a great phrase in the right (jocular of course) context.

i hope you were joking…:hang:

Might have to watch myself when Im over at your place from now on.