baby #2

enough said… my boy is only 10.5 months and we are expecting again… hopefully another boy!

Chad we are putting together a hockey team! start manning up lol:hitit:

kasey is due jan 17th unfortunately I will be in OTS till feb 18th, lets hope they let me come home for a couple of days



i think we have a good team going

gavin, parker, bruce’s kid, Tex’s kid, Bill’s kid

Whoo HOO Congrats…add my kid to that lineup HAHA! My baby boy is due Jan 3rd :slight_smile:

congrats you a few days after me! still dont know what im having though grr


If its hug like adam,u may not now till he’s born!

awesome! Congrats!!!

lol we go weds. only time i hope this kid shows its goods off for a group of ppl.