Baby Born Drunk

Eventually the technology will be there so that part of the chip they implant in you at birth will turn off your ability to reproduce. When you’re ready, you go in for an interview and the government decides if you’re ready for a kid or not.

Don’t set the bar too high, just basically verify you’re not an alcoholic or drug addict, you’re not mentally unstable, and you have some minimum income to pay for this kid so the rest of the country doesn’t have to.

World would be a lot better place, and within a generation we could cut most of our service programs by 75%, because we’d be raising productive members of society.


anyone remember this kid a few years ago?

that little fucker was in my grandmother’s 6th grade class. FAS kids FTL.


I remember when this happened, it was so sad. I went to school around the area and after this the school handed out whistles to all the girls. (point being,she was killed while walking alone).

And as far as being pregnant and “not knowing” I don’t know how girls can claim that shit, cuz when I was pregnant I WAS HUGE and I could feel the little one moving around, and the big kicker…YOU LEEK BREAST MILK…so like I said IQ test should be required!


Don’t set the bar too high, just basically verify you’re not an alcoholic or drug addict, you’re not mentally unstable, and you have some minimum income to pay for this kid so the rest of the country doesn’t have to.



you dont have to have a high IQ to raise youngins.
all you have to do is provide and lead by example. but there should be some sort of test.

just imagine what hackers would do if they could activate reproductive equipment remotely.


you dont have to have a high IQ to raise youngins.
all you have to do is provide and lead by example. but there should be some sort of test.


Like I said, don’t set the bar very high, just some minimum requirements.

  1. Basic test to show you can raise a kid (don’t shake them, keep them warm, feed them etc)
  2. Drug test and mental health check.
  3. Minimum income level to support the kid. A bank won’t give you a mortgage if you can’t pay for it, why should you be allowed to have a kid if you can’t pay for it?

Sit and think about how much money we spend on social programs (welfare, prisons, mental health facilities, drug rehab facilities etc) and how much less we spend if only people who were willing to accept the responsibility of being parents were allowed to become parents. Sure, good parents have kids that screw up too, but the majority of these losers we keep spending billions of tax dollars on came from bad homes.

you know what kills me…the state will give you medicaid, ok great, so you can keep having babies because you “qualify” for assistance…if medicaid would pay for to get a women fixed, the rate of medicaid cases would be much lower, and state would have more money, I say if you can’t support them on your own don’t have them…and I mean the families of 8 or 9 kids. If you have 2 or 3 kids and things just don’t happen to be the greatest, those are the people that really need the help. Not the ones that pop them out like a damn pez dispenser!


I fucking hate alcohol.

I think I am going to quit drinking


meh. just don’t be retarded about it…


if you look like this… don’t drink… or even reproduce…



usa>poland. That could never happen here…